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My Review of Roku HD Player

Originally submitted at Roku

The best-selling HD Player (as known as Netflix Player by Roku) plays High Definition video and connects to surround sound audio.

The simplest way to stream video

By SubAstute from Vinton, VA on 8/21/2010


4out of 5

Pros: Video selection, High quality picture, Easy to use, Easy to set up, Compact, Built in Wi-Fi

Cons: Lacks menu customization, No Parental Controls, Need fast internet service

Best Uses: Secondary TV, Bedroom, Primary TV, Travel, Living room

Describe Yourself: Power User, Movie buff, Home entertainment enthusiast, Netflix fan, Technophile

I purchased my first Roku Player in March, & was so impressed I just bought a second. It’s a great way to add value to your Netflix account, & I prefer to watch other Web video content on a large TV in comfortable surroundings instead of through a computer. The Roku picture quality is excellent & I have experienced very few streaming issues, even over a wireless connection. My home theater PC is gathering dust because the Roku player provides a nicer picture, a remote & interface that everyone in my family can use, & it doesn’t required constant tweaks & driver updates to run smoothly. And the Roku takes far less time & money to operate than any other streaming video solution I have found. If the Roku offered parental controls & a customizable menu system for organizing channels, it would be perfect. Still, this is a great product that I have recommended to many people.


Dear Congress,

While you’re at it, here’s a list of several other things that I feel should be made mandatory for the American Public:

1. Everyone must have Internet access and an email address.

2. Everyone must own at least 5 business casual shirts, 5 shirts appropriate for manual labor, matching pants for the aforementioned shirts & 1 Sunday suit with tie.

3. Before leaving for a vacation or business trip, everyone must don a pair of clean underwear.

4. If you attend a function where people are dancing, then you must dance even if you look silly.

5. Everyone must replace their toothbrush each month.

6. An apple a day keeps the financial penalty away.

7. Everyone must maintain 1 jar of petroleum jelly and a pack of latex gloves in their medicine cabinet.

8. Everyone shall be conscripted for volunteerism.

9. While snacking with others where dip in involved, double-dipping is a federal offense.

10. Suicide must be painless and it must bring on many changes, though you can no longer take or leave it as you please.

11. Everyone must subscribe to a local newspaper.

12. Everyone must read the Oprah Book Club selections.

13. Grass must be cut to adhere to a 2″ standard, and any grass over 5″ will result in a financial penalty based on a percentage of your height and weight.

14. Everyone must attend 1 live performance every 2 months.

15. Everyone must cuddle with someone or something for 10 hours each week.

16. Since this country can no longer be divided by the “boxer or brief” debate, men must wear briefs because they offer more support for your junk.

17. Everyone must adopt at least one animal from the shelter.

18. Everyone must adopt at least one homeless person from the shelter.

19. Everyone must adopt at least one personal catch phrase.

20. 80% of your earnings must go to the government, because all you need is love, love. Love is all you need.


A citizen who’s seriously concerned about the lack of arbitrary governmental control in our lives.

Deflation Nation

A nation readjusts to the real world!

A nation readjusts to the real world!

As we learned with president Bush, approval polls are to be taken not just with a grain of salt, but with an entire salt mine. Still, these declining Obama numbers are a welcome adjustment from the stratospheric high of his early presidency. The fact that this country is returning to a realistic view of the president and his administration is comforting. Not because I want Obama to fail, but because the power to instigate change is moving back where it belongs–in the hands of the people. The majority of whom no longer seem to be starstruck.

Everything, Nothing

Man with nothing tells man with crumb
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man with crumb tells man with whole slice
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man with whole slice tells man with box
You have everything, you have everything you need
Give some to me

Man with box tells man with pants and shirt
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man with pants and shirt tells man with bicycle
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man with bicycle tells man with shitty car
You have everything, you have everything you need
Give some to me

Man with shitty car tells man cleaning the street
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man cleaning the street tells the man baking the bread
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man baking the bread tells man with computer
You have everything, you have everything you need
Give some to me

Man with computer tells man with apartment
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man with apartment tells man in the suburbs
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man in the suburbs tells man with giant mansion
You have everything, you have everything you need
Give some to me

Man with giant mansion tells man with massive army
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man with massive army tells man with biggest country
You have everything, you have everything you need
Man with biggest country tells the sun that burns above
You have everything, you have everything you need
Give some to me

Sun that burns above tells planets to swarm round
Tells universe to expand then collapses on itself
Black hole pulls in stars and planets full of men
Then it starts over again and you have everything
You have everything you need and it is nothing.

Simple Form Of Life

[My first lyrics in like forever! Enjoy…]


Something’s moving through the ocean

Something’s coming down the tracks

Something’s lost between the stars

In a box car full of black


Something’s open and then shutting

With a thousand rows of teeth

White crosses in a cemetery

Wrapped in bloody wreaths


It’s a simple form of life

With a complicated ancestry

Primitive but effective

Self-destructive weaponry


Something’s coming through the forest

Something’s churning down the road

Something’s drilling to the core

With a luminescent glow


Something’s ripping into flesh

With eyes as black as stones

It rocks the boat and swallows

Every soul and every bone


It’s a simple form of life

With a complicated ancestry

Pathologically infectious

Self-mutating insanity


Something’s crawling from the shallows

Something’s diving from the trees

Something’s hiding in the egg case

As the comet gently sweeps


Something angles for a victim

In the office, on the street

Feathers on the front grill

Torque and talons underneath


It’s a simple form of life

With a complicated ancestry

Scales sharp as razor wire

Acid-tongued soliloquy.


Here’s a striking t-shirt on TeeFury today that promises to be controversial. I’m not 100% sure how I feel about it.

I love how the artist subverts the political message, messianic iconography & appropriated artwork of the original, but it comes very close to disrespecting the office (as happened repeatedly with Bush).

I’m too afraid it would be grossly misinterpreted to actually wear such a thing. But still, it’s a bold and compelling image that tests our current political temperament, and that seeks to dismantle the unbelievable degree of hype surrounding the very human President Obama.

What do you think about this?

I’m A Frayed Knot

My illustrious Literate Housewife has tagged my bloggy ass with this random thing thingy. So I’ll reciprocate with the following, then tag 6 more suckas (do I still know 6 people with blogs?):

1)  I am no longer addicted to news and political op-ed on the Internet. Now I’m addicted to shopping online.

2)  During my irresponsible adolescent years, I let a hermit crab die of neglect.

3)  As someone who’s passionate about movies, I feel vindicated by the widescreen aspect of HDTV. Now, everyone who bought “full screen” DVD’s to avoid those black bars at the top and bottom will be complaining about the black space on the sides!

4) Utilizing Microsoft Paint within their operating system known as Windows, I draw whatever my kids tell me to draw. For example:

5)  I’m hoping that the tradition of suits and ties as the “neat dress” standard changes to something much more casual within my lifetime. To me, this is more important than the development of fuel cell technology.

6)  One of my biggest regrets is not learning to play a musical instrument when I was younger.

Now I’ll commence with the tagging:


  • Link to the person who tagged you.
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Write six random things about yourself.
  • Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
  • Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
  • Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Remember, Not Relive

I want to remember the people, but not relive the day…

Down Under Jerky

Today I had the pleasure(?) of sampling “jerky” versions of three animals native to Australia–crocodile, kangaroo and emu. Thanks to co-worker Steve for bringing these fascinating packets of dried and cured fauna back from his recent trip.

The emu was my favorite, with the least gamy and somewhat turkey-ish flavor. The croc was not too bad either, though this particular jerked version was somewhat spicy. It had a faint taste similar to the smell that reptiles have at the zoo or pet store. It’s almost a fish-like taste, but more earthy. Which makes sense if you think about it!

The kangaroo was disgusting. I expected more of a deer flavor, but it tasted almost rancid and vaguely toward the rotting flesh end of the scale. So tie me kangaroo down, sport–and leave him for the vultures.

Maybe this is a silly experience to write about, but it does illustrate how far I’ve come since my recent bout with the stomach flu. Now I can eat salty and exotic meats with the best of them. 😀

Mark E. Smith And The Meaning Of Wildlife


Back when I was a rabid fan of The Fall, I never imagined a day when I would read an article about Mark E. Smith’s murderous hatred of squirrels. Are they spoilt Victorian squirrels? And does he hit ’em over the head with a 2×4? So many fan questions remain unanswered by the AFP report.

The most important tidbit we learn is that, according to Mr. Smith, “Squirrels mean nothing to me.” With this in mind, I need to pull out all 498 of my Fall albums and listen through them yet again. This time, searching for clues about the development of his cryptic philosophy regarding the meaning of squirrels.

As for the RSPCA, good luck with your efforts to silence Smith. No one’s been able to do that for the past 30 years. Also be aware that “R.S.P.C.A.” is exactly the sort of title he gives to his obscure and often vitriolic songs.

Now where did I put my pellet gun? It’s springtime here in Virginia and these songbirds are about to drive me CRAZY!